Youth And Good Governance
This is a strategic pillar that focuses on promoting the active participation and meaningful involvement of young people in the governance processes of their communities and nations. This program aims to empower youth to become active citizens, decision-makers, and leaders, driving positive change and contributing to the development of inclusive and accountable governance systems.
Current Active Projects

Within this pillar, our focus is on achieving "Enhanced Youth Engagement in Good Governance." Our aim is to empower youth to become active citizens, decision- makers, and leaders who drive positive change and contribute to the development of inclusive and accountable governance systems.

Through this initiative, we create platforms, opportunities, and resources for young people to engage with governance structures, institutions, and policies. We firmly believe that by amplifying youth voices and perspectives, we can address the unique challenges and aspirations of the youth population, ultimately fostering more responsive, transparent and effective governance.

To achieve these goals, we employ various approaches such as capacity building, advocacy and mentorship. These strategies help equip young people with the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to participate in decision-making processes, promote transparency and accountability, and advocate for policies that address their needs and priorities.

By strengthening youth engagement in good governance, we strive to cultivate a generation of informed and empowered citizens who actively contribute to shaping their societies and building a brighter future for all.

The initiatives that we have carried out under Youth and Good Governance pillar have been;

The East African Youth Human Rights and Democracy (EAYHRD) Project
AYT enhanced youth participation in promoting democracy and human rights in the East African Community. Through this project, we advocated for youth-centered laws and policies, promoting rights such as freedom of expression, association, and information. AYT successfully championed human rights, democracy, and affirmative action.
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The East Africa Youth Network (EAYN)
The East Africa Youth Network is a forum that aims to facilitate holistic youth involvement by advocating for the firm entrenchment of youth issues in the agenda of the East African Community. AYT serves as the convener of East African Civil Society organizations under the umbrella of EAYN. The Network is constituted of youth-serving civil society organizations as well as National Youth Councils in the East African Community.
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Civic Education Program
The Civic Education Program (CEP) seeks to create civic awareness and mobilization of the youth around pertinent issues in regards to governance and civic importance. AYT has been able to conduct civic education on; Election processes, the 2010 Constitution of Kenya and the new voters campaign under #myfirstvote
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Youth Action Against Corruption
The Youth Action Against Corruption project was designed to promote the role of youth in the fight against corruption through meaningful involvement in advocacy and championing for effective service delivery and institutional reforms. With initial support from USAID through Pact Kenya, the program built the capacity of youth to engage in the fight against corruption by publishing a Guide to Youth Action Against Corruption.
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Youth Action on State Accountability (YASAP) project
AYT, through the Youth Action on State Accountability Project (YASAP), worked with youth networks, line ministries responsible for IGAD affairs, and key duty bearers to champion the creation of safe spaces for young people to engage with regional mechanisms such as AU, EAC, and IGAD. Due to the shrinking space of CSOs in Africa, particularly in the Horn of Africa, to meaningfully participate in advocacy and policy decisions on the rights of children and youth, AYT partnered with Save the Children International's Eastern & Southern Africa office to contribute to the realization of children and youth's rights.
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Youth Action for Development Effectiveness (YADE) project
AYT worked towards democratizing Development Effectiveness, which involved a shift in global thinking towards quantified and enhanced results of funding for development. Building upon Aid Effectiveness, which focused on how aid for development is utilized to achieve economic and social development targets, Development Effectiveness relied on various actors from both donor and developing country communities to ensure that development effectiveness resulted in tangible and sustainable changes in people's lives.
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